When payments are returned to an account from the recipient bank a return code is usually stated in the reference field of the return SWIFT (field 70). Please see below table for guidance on reason codes:
Code | ISO definition | Reason in the Rulebook or IGs | Type of R-trans. | Exhaustive list of use-cases | Possible root cause | Suggested action |
AC01 | Incorrect Account Number | Account identifier invalid or incorrect (i.e. invalid IBAN or account number does not exist). | Reject, Return | Reject: Invalid format of the IBAN; IBAN not ecisting at the Beneficiary Bank level. | Beneficiary gave invalid IBAN; Originator used wrong IBAN data from its customers’ database; Originator had technical problem during the processing of the SCT instruction issuance. | Originator to contact the Beneficiary to get the correct IBAN of the Beneficiary. |
AC03 | Invalid Creditor Account Number | Wrong unique identifier of the Beneficiary account. | RFRO. | Originator has made an SCT transaction which was addressed to a wrong IBAN. | Originator itself selected or entered a wrong IBAN if the beneficiary when issuing the SCT instruction. | Originator: • Adapt this internal SCT instruction issuance processes to avoid the selection of a wrong IBAN in the future; • Pay more attention in selecting/ entering the IBAN when issuing a SCT instruction. |
AC04 | Closed account number | Account closed. | Return, Negative answer to a recall or to a RFRO. | The account of the Beneficiary is closed at the Beneficiary Bank. Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. MS03 could be used as an alternative. | Beneficiary closed his account since the last time the Originator made a SCT instruction to his beneficiary. | Originator to contract the Beneficiary for the new account. |
AC06 | Blocked account | Account blocked. | Return. | Account blocked for any financial transaction. | • Beneficiary Bank has blocked the account due to a Court Order; • Beneficiary Bank has blocked the account (e.g., suspicion of misuse, request from the Beneficiary). | Originator to contact the Beneficiary for alternative account / solution to pay. |
ACNR | Accepted Claim Non-Receipt | Interbank positive response to claim Non-receipt. | Positive answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim Non-receipt". | The Beneficiary Bank confirms to have credited the initial SCT transaction on the IBAN of the Beneficiary. It provides the Originator Bank with the date on which this SCT transaction has been credited. | No root cause to be defined. | Originator Bank to report back to the Originator that its SCT instruction was processed according to his/her instructions. |
ACVA | Accepted Value Date Adjustment | Interbank positive response to Claim for Value Date Correction. | Positive answer to SCT inquiry "Claim for the Value Date Correction". | The Beneficiary Bank: • Accepts to correct the currently applied value date of the SCT transaction; and • Requests an interest compensation from the Originator Bank before it executes this correction. | The cause for the claimed incorrect6 value date lies not with the Beneficiary Bank. | Originator Bank to pay first the interest compensation to the Beneficiary Bank. |
AG01 | Transaction Forbidden | Credit transfer forbidden on this account (e.g. savings account). | Return. | A SCVT transaction cannot be booked on this type of account. | Beneficiary gave information of an account on which SCT transactions cannot be booked. | Originator to contract the Beneficiary to agree on another payment instrument. |
AG02 | Invalid Bank Operation Code | Operation code/ transaction code incorrect, invalid file format. | Reject, Return. | The identification code of the scheme (i.e. service level or local instrument) specified in the message is incorrect. For the specified XML file setting issues (i.e. invalid file format), please use FF01 instead. | Originator: technical error or error due to the processing of the SCT transaction or the file containing SCT instructions. | Originator to correct the wrong information. |
AM04 | Insufficient Funds | Insufficient funds on the account. | Negative answer to a Recall or to RFRO. | There are not enough funds on the Beneficiary’s account to debit the full amount of the Recall or of the RFRO. Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. CUST could be used as an alternative. | Insufficient funds on the Beneficiary's account. | Originator (and Originator Bank if it concerns a Recall due to an error made by the Originator Bank itself) to contact the Beneficiary directly to obtain back the funds outside the Recall - or the RFRO procedures of the SCT scheme. |
AM05 | Duplication | Duplicate payment. | Reject, Return. | CSM Beneficiary Bank considers that an identical SCT transaction had been sent or processed very recently. | Originator/Originator Bank: technical or human error. | Originator/Originator Bank to check if the transaction is really duplicated. |
AM09 | Wrong Amount | Wrong amount. | RFRO. | Originator has made an SCT instruction for an amount higher than intended. | Originator: technical or human error. | Originator to adapt this internal SCT instruction issuance processes to avoid transferring wrong amounts in the future. |
ARDT | The Transaction Has Already Been Returned | Already returned transaction. | Negative answer to a Recall or to a RFRO; Negative answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim Non-receipt". | Negative answer to a Recall or to a RFRO: the Beneficiary has already transferred back the funds to the Originator (via SCT, SCT Inst or another payment means).
| Not applicable.
See the provided Return reason code for the SCT transaction. | No action.
See the suggested actions for the SCT Return reason code. |
ARJT | Already Rejected Transaction | Already rejected transaction. | Negative answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim Non-receipt". | The Beneficiary Bank had not been able to process the initial SCT transaction. | See the provided Reject reason code for the SCT transaction. | See the suggested actions for the SCT Reject reason code. |
BE04 | Missing Creditor Address | Account address invalid. | Return. | Address of the Beneficiary is not provided in the SCT transaction. | Either the Originator Bank or the Beneficiary Bank in the transaction is based in a non-EEA SEPA country. | Originator Bank to ask the Originator to provide the address of the Beneficiary. |
CERI | Check ERI | The credit transfer is not tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) transaction but contains ERI. | Reject. | The SCT instruction is not tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) instruction but contains ERI. | Error is made at the level of the Originator or the Originator Bank system when creating the payment message. | Originator Bank to check its processes and possibly revert to the Originator. |
CNOR | Creditor Bank Is Not Registered | Beneficiary bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM. | Reject, Return. | Beneficiary Bank is not/ no longer registered as a SCT scheme participant under this BIC at the CSM. | Beneficiary Bank not/ no longer declared as (indirect) participant to this CSM. | Originator to ask the Beneficiary how that Beneficiary can receive SCT transactions via another bank. |
CUST | Requested by Customer | a. By request of the Originator without any reason specified. b. Refusal by the Beneficiary | a. RFRO. b. Negative answer to a Recall or to a RFRO. | a. Originator wishes to recover the funds of an earlier settled SCT transaction. b. Beneficiary does not want to honour the Recall or the RFRO. | a. The Originator does not give a specific reason to recover the funds. b. Beneficiary claims to be entitled to the received funds. | a. No action. b. Originator (and Originator Bank if it concerns a Recall due to an error made by the Originator Bank itself) to contact the Beneficiary directly to obtain back the funds outside the Recall or the RFRO procedures of the SCT scheme. |
CVAA | Correct Value Date Already Applied | Interbank negative response to Claim for Value Date Correction | Negative answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim for Value Date Correction" | The Beneficiary Bank rejects the claim to correct the currently applied value date of the SCT transaction. | The Beneficiary Bank claims to have applied the correct value date as outlined in the SCT transaction. | Originator Bank to explain to the Originator that the SCT instruction has been executed according to the instructions of the Originator. |
DNOR | Debtor Bank Is Not Registered | Originator bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM. | Reject. | Originator Bank is not/no longer registered as a SCT scheme participant under this BIC at the CSM. | The Originator bank sends SCT transactions by mistake to its former CSM. | • Originator Bank to rout its SCT transaction to its current CSM; • Contact Originator to agree on another means of payment with the Beneficiary. |
DUPL | Duplicate Payment | Duplicate sending | Recall. | Originator or Originator Bank detects SCT transaction and tries to recover the funds of this duplication. | Originator / Originator Bank: technical or human error. | Originator and/or Originator Bank: no action apart of setting up measures preventing the duplicate initiation and/or exchange of SCT transactions from happening in the future. |
ED05 | Settlement failed | Settlement of the SEPA transfer failed. | Reject. | The Originator Bank or the CSM must report a settlement failure. | The inter-bank SCT funding facilities of the Originator Bank are insufficient to settle this transaction. | Action depends on the SLA between the Originator Bank and the CSM. |
ERIN | ERI Option Not Supported | The Extended Remittance Information (ERI) option is not supported. | Reject, Return. | • Reject: the Originator Bank and/or the addressed Beneficiary Bank do not support the ERI option. • Return: The addressed Beneficiary Bank does not support the ERI option. | The Originator Bank and/or Beneficiary Bank do not support the ERI option. | At the discretion if the Originator on how to proceed further. |
FF01 | Invalid File Format | Operation/ transaction code incorrect, invalid file format. | Reject | Issues with XML-file specific settings: • XML file was not duly filled out or is not correct; • There is a syntax error in the file; • Originator Bank or its CSM did not complete a XSD check before submitting the file. | Originator, originator Bank or CSM. | Repair the XML file. |
FOCR | Following cancellation request | Positive answer to the recall. | Positive answer to a RFRO. | Beneficiary Bank or the Beneficiary accepts the Recall request or the RFRO to reimburse the funds to the Originator or to the originator Bank. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
FRAD | Fraudulent Origin | Fraudulent originated credit transfer. | Recall. | Originator or Originator Bank detects a fraudulent SCT transaction and tries to recover the funds. | • Originator claims to be a victim of a fraudulently executed SCT transaction; • Fraudsters manipulated the SCT applications or systems of the Originator Bank to execute afterwards fraudulent transactions. | Originator and/or Originator Bank: no action apart of setting up measures preventing such fraudulent SCT transactions from happening in the future. |
LEGL | Legal Decision | Legal reasons | Negative answer to a Recall or to RFRO. | Beneficiary Bank is not allowed to reimburse the funds following the Recall or the RFRO from the Originator Bank. | The funds cannot be reimbursed for legal reasons. | Originator (and Originator Bank if it concerns a Recall due to an error made by the Originator Bank itself) to contact the Beneficiary directly to obtain back the funds outside the Recall or the RFRO procedures of the SCT scheme. |
MD07 | End Customer Deceased | Beneficiary deceased. | Return. | Beneficiary deceased Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. In this case MS03 can be used as alternative. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
MODI | Modified As Per Request | Interbank confirmed positive response to Claim for Value Date Correction. | Confirmed positive answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim for Value Date Correction" | The Beneficiary Bank confirms to have corrected the value date of the booked SCT transaction on the IBAN of the Beneficiary. | The Beneficiary Bank: • Has well received the interest compensation from the Originator Bank following the Beneficiary Bank’s positive answer to the SCT Inquiry “Claim for Value Date Correction” containing the code ACVA; or • Does not request an interest compensation at all; or • Cannot request an interest compensation because the calculation results in a negative amount; or • Requests the Originator Bank to pay the interest compensation a later point in time. The code VADA (Value Date Adjustment) marks such request. | Originator Bank to pay the interest compensation when the Beneficiary Bank has sent the code VADA in the confirmed positive answer. |
MS02 | Not specified Reason Customer Generated | By order of the Beneficiary. | Return. | Refusal by Beneficiary at presentation of the SCT transaction to the Beneficiary Bank. | The Beneficiary Bank acts on behalf of the Beneficiary following an instruction from the Beneficiary for not accepting funds from a specific account, Originator or via a specific payment scheme. | Originator to contact the Beneficiary directly how the Originator should settle any financial obligation towards the Beneficiary. |
MS03 | Not specified reason agent generated | Reason not specified. | Reject, Return. | Only to be used in case national legislation (e.g., data protection laws) does not allow the use of AC04, RR01, RR02, RR03 and RR04. Note: limit the use of the reason code MS03 and select the appropriate reason code in the list. | Originator to contact the Beneficiary directly how the Originator should settle any financial obligation towards the Beneficiary. | |
NERI | No ERI | The SEPA Credit Transfer is tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) transaction but does not contain ERI. | Reject. | The SCT instruction is tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) instruction but does not contain ERI. | Error is made at the level of the Originator or the Originator Bank system when creating the payment message (file). | • Originator to resubmit its SCT instruction (file) with ERI included; • Originator Bank to check its processes and possibly revert to the Originator. |
NOAS | No Answer From Customer | No response from Beneficiary. | Negative answer to a recall or to a RFRO. | Originator or Originator Bank tries to recover funds from a previously executed SCT transaction. | • Beneficiary Bank is not able to reach the Beneficiary; • The Beneficiary does not reply to the authorization demands from the Beneficiary Bank to reimburse the funds to the Originator or the Originator Bank. | Originator (and Originator Bank if it concerns a Recall due to an error made by the Originator Bank itself) to contact the Beneficiary directly to obtain back the funds outside the Recall -or the RFRO procedures of the SCT scheme. |
NOOR | No Original Transaction Received | Original Credit Transfer never received. | Negative answer to a recall or to a RFRO; Negative answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim Non-Receipt". | Beneficiary Bank or Beneficiary denies having received the initial SCT transaction. | • Recall or RFRO: this request has been addressed to the wrong Beneficiary Bank or Beneficiary. • Negative answer to SCT Inquiry “Claim NonReceipt”: the Beneficiary Bank has not received the initial SCT transaction. | Originator Bank to address the Recall, the RFRO or the SCT Inquiry to the correct Beneficiary Bank or Beneficiary |
RC01 | Bank Identifier Incorrect | Bank identifier incorrect (i.e. invalid BIC). | Reject, Return. | BIC of the scheme participant is not correct | • Originator: the provided BIC for a non-EEA SEPA SCT transaction is not complete (BIC8 instead of BIC11); • CSM or Beneficiary Bank: the provided BIC in the interbank message does not exist in their BIC database. | • Originator to contact the Beneficiary for the correct BIC for a non-EEA SEPA SCT transaction; • Originator Bank to allocate the correct and complete BIC of the Beneficiary Bank in the interbank message. |
RJNR | Rejected Claim Non-Receipt | Interbank negative response to Claim Non-Receipt. | Negative answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim Non-Receipt" | The Beneficiary Bank states a more precise reason for rejecting the SCT inquiry. One of the following codes must be provided: NOOR, RNPR, ARJT, ARDT or RR04. | • NOOR: it was never received; • RNPR: it was received but it was not processable; • ARJT: it has already been rejected; • ARDT: it has already been returned; • RR04: a regulatory reason. | See suggested actions under the reason codes NOOR, RNPR, ARJT, ARDT and RR04. |
RJVA | Rejected Value Date Adjustment | Interbank negative response to Claim for Value date Correction. | Negative answer to SCT Inquiry “Claim for Value Date Correction”. | The Beneficiary Bank rejects the claim to correct the currently applied value date of the SCT transaction. | The Beneficiary Bank rejects the value date correction because • the debit date of the SCT transaction exceeds the 13 months preceding the submission date of the SCT inquiry; • the SCT transaction has a debit date prior to 17 November 2019 being the entry-into-force date of the SCT Inquiry procedure. | No further action. |
RNPR | Original Transaction Received but Not Processable | Original Transaction Received but Not Processable. | Negative answer to SCT inquiry "Claim Non-Receipt". | The Beneficiary Bank is not able to process the SCT transaction at this point in time. | In case the Beneficiary Bank cannot process the SCT transaction for a reason other than ARJT, ARDT and RR04. | Originator Bank and Beneficiary Bank may contact each other on how to possibly resolve the issue causing the non-execution of the SCT transaction. |
RR01 | Missing Debtor Account or Identification | Regulatory Reason. | Reject, Return. | Missing Originator account details. | Specification of the Originator’s account or unique identification needed for reasons of regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. | Originator Bank to check the transaction and if necessary repair the transaction by completing the Originator account. |
RR02 | Missing Debtor's Name or Address | Regulatory Reason. | Reject, Return. | • Missing Originator name (address is optional field for EEA SCT transactions); • Missing address of the Originator for non-EEA SCT transactions. Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. MS03 could be used as an alternative. | Specification of the Originator’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. | Originator Bank to repair the transaction by completing the Originator’s name and/or address information. |
RR03 | Missing Creditor's Name or Address | Regulatory Reason. | Reject, Return. | Missing Beneficiary’s name (address is optional field). | Specification of the Beneficiary’s name needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. | Originator Bank to repair the transaction by completing the Beneficiary's name. |
RR04 | Regulatory Reason | Regulatory Reason. | Reject, Return; Negative answer to SCT Inquiry "Claim Non-Receipt". | Only to be used for Regulatory Reasons other than RR01, RR02 or RR03. Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. MS03 could be used as an alternative except to a negative answer to a SCT “Claim No0-nReceipt” (please refer to the code RJNR). | Potential hit due to AML, Embargo or Counter Terrorist Financing reasons. | Originator to contact the Originator Bank. |
TECH | Technical Problem | Technical problems in resulting in the erroneous SCTs. | Recall. | Originator or Originator Bank detects a technical problem with the result of incorrect SCT transactions sent out. Originator or Originator Bank tries to recover the funds. | • Technical issue at the applications or systems of the Originator itself when creating the SCT instruction(s) or files; • Technical issue at the SCT applications or systems of the Originator Bank itself when handling the SCT instruction(s)/ files or in their conversion into SCT transactions for further interbank processing. | Originator and/or Originator Bank: no action apart of setting up measures preventing such technical problems from happening in the future. |
TM01 | Cut Off Time | File received after Cut-off Time. | Reject. | The CSM has not received the initial SCT transaction (files) within the cut-off time deadline defined by that CSM. | Connection, processing or validation issue at any step starting from the Originator Bank to the CSM(s). | Originator Bank to re-submit the SCT transactions before the next cut-off time. |